Tag Archives: fundraising

Crafting an Effective Business Plan (Part 5) – Tips for Maximizing Your Success

This series of posts has concentrated heavily on the idea that crafting a successful business plan is an art of communication. One does not simply check all of the boxes of required items to make a business plan an effective tool in your arsenal of fundraising. However, this post discusses a few very specific tips that can ruin an otherwise thoughtful business plan.

Be Complete, Accurate, and Thorough

  • Include all relevant details
  • Put them in the right spots (not all in the executive summary)
  • Be credible (remember, this plan is going to be read by people who read business plans for a living. If you are truly talking to the right people, they are already going to know a tremendous amount about your market, your financials, and your strategy than you do…you better know what you are doing and your plan must be a strong reflection of your knowledge and skills.
  • Don’t beat a dead horse

Be Crisp

  • Use as few words as necessary to make your point
  • Say exactly what you want to say

Target Your Audience

  • Know who likes your product and why
  • Know how big your market is, who the other players are in that market and how your solution STANDS OUT
  • Know who will be reading your plan and what stage they are in the fundraising process

Plan Your Attack

  • Know how you are going to get your first customers
  • What needs to happen to build the business to support your 100th customer?
  • What is your breakeven point?
  • Show significant traction

Show Your Excitement

  • Have a clear, compelling introduction
  • Your plan/pitch should match your company’s voice, product, market, etc (pix, colors, format, quotes)
  • Tell your STORY
  • Exude Honest Energy